Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.30.0 (2025-03-26)
- SUBS-3508 add experiment plans to the cdn product
- update payment_type list
1.29.1 (2025-03-10)
Bug Fixes
- CustomerCreditSummary type
- recurring_redemption type
1.29.0 (2025-01-23)
- JFS-307: Add delayOrder function
1.28.2 (2025-01-10)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-306: Add include to onetime query params
1.28.1 (2025-01-02)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-305: Improve input validation and errors
1.28.0 (2024-12-20)
- add ProductSearchParams_2022_06 has_bundle_product query
1.27.0 (2024-12-10)
- JFS-298: Add commit flag to address and subscription APIs
1.26.0 (2024-11-22)
- AFCP-1557: add enable_customer_account_full_page_extension setting
1.25.5 (2024-11-21)
Bug Fixes
- Add missing unit_price in presentment_prices
1.25.4 (2024-11-21)
Bug Fixes
- Improve bundle product and presentment prices type definition
1.25.3 (2024-11-13)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-297: Add pause param to updateSubscriptionChargeDate
1.25.2 (2024-11-08)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-296: Update product types with multi-currency params
1.25.1 (2024-10-29)
Bug Fixes
- narrow down subscription types
1.25.0 (2024-10-18)
- Adding prepaid_v2 to cdn type
1.24.1 (2024-10-16)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-293: Update subscription types to allow onetime status
1.24.0 (2024-10-03)
- AFCP-1403: Add shop settings endpoint
1.23.1 (2024-09-25)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-290: Update docs and types for plan_id
1.23.0 (2024-09-18)
Bug Fixes
- delivery schedule types
- skipFutureCharge subscription_ids type
- add UpdateSubscriptionsRequest address_id
1.22.3 (2024-08-29)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-289: Update customer type to have subscription_related_charge_streak
1.22.2 (2024-08-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.22.1 (2024-08-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.22.0 (2024-08-16)
- Add validateBundleSelection function
1.21.0 (2024-07-31)
- JFS-286: Allow onetime updates with bulk subscription create/update
1.20.0 (2024-07-17)
- JFS-285: Add page_destination param to customer portal access API
- JFS-287: Add appName and appVersion to improve debugging/traceability of requests
1.19.0 (2024-06-21)
- JFS-284: Add credits related API functions
1.18.3 (2024-06-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.18.2 (2024-05-22)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-281: Update updateSubscription params
1.18.1 (2024-05-20)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-280: Update customer types and sendPasswordlessCode docs
1.18.0 (2024-05-16)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-279: Add called function name as header and request id
- JFS-276: Collection APIs
- JFS-276: narrow query param types for listCollectionProducts
- JFS-276: update listCollectionProducts
1.17.3 (2024-02-28)
Bug Fixes
- Charge/Order: add missing props
- UpdateSubscriptionRequest: missing plan_id prop
1.17.2 (2024-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-272: Downgrade js-xdr package to fix web worker environments
1.17.1 (2024-02-05)
Bug Fixes
- SFCP-2030 add optional property store_platform to CDNStoreSetting
1.17.0 (2024-02-01)
- JFS-271: Add login function for Shopify Customer Account API
1.16.3 (2024-01-09)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-269: Simplify bundle validation
1.16.2 (2024-01-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.16.1 (2023-12-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.16.0 (2023-12-06)
- charges: Adding ability to include a query with skip/unskip charges
1.15.2 (2023-12-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.15.1 (2023-11-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.15.0 (2023-11-21)
- JFS-260: Add getGiftRedemptionLandingPageURL method
1.14.4 (2023-11-14)
Bug Fixes
- downgrade dependency that was breaking non-esm builds
1.14.3 (2023-11-14)
Bug Fixes
- ORD-2153: Add missing type on GiftPurchase entity
1.14.2 (2023-11-09)
Bug Fixes
- Update types on create onetime to include gift_id and optional price
1.14.1 (2023-11-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.14.0 (2023-11-09)
- JFS-255: Add credit summary method to SDK
- JFS-257: Add getActiveChurnLandingPageURL to SDK
1.13.0 (2023-11-07)
- ORD-2103: Add new endpoint for store getShippingCountries
1.12.0 (2023-11-02)
- JFS-251: Add createPaymentMethod method to SDK
1.11.2 (2023-10-20)
Bug Fixes
- ORD-2042: Add is_gift for create subscription and address
1.11.1 (2023-10-19)
Bug Fixes
- ORD-2042 Add correct scopes for gifting api and update gift type
1.11.0 (2023-10-11)
- ORD-2024: Add gifting endpoints and documentation
1.10.2 (2023-10-05)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-249: Fix internal bugs with dev/testing
1.10.1 (2023-09-18)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-244: Documentation fixes and updates
1.10.0 (2023-09-01)
- BUN-1260: Support for plan_id attribute in Bundle Selections
1.9.0 (2023-08-18)
- JFS-239: Add template variables as options for customer notification
1.8.1 (2023-08-09)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-238: Update products and plans types
1.8.0 (2023-08-04)
- JFS-232: Add ability to send customer notifications
- JFS-234: Add product search function to SDK
- JFS-235: Add new product CDN version to SDK and update CDN types
1.7.0 (2023-07-27)
- Add commit=true to updateBundle function
1.6.1 (2023-07-13)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-231: use minimal lodash dependencies
1.6.0 (2023-07-12)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-230: Fix charge list option types & docs
- JFS-229: Add customer portal auth method
1.5.0 (2023-06-14)
- ORD-1602 Add api for gifting a skipped subscription
1.4.0 (2023-06-05)
- BUN-1171: Support new /bundles update endpoint
- BUN-1193: Update subscription include query param supported options
1.3.3 (2023-05-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @rechargeapps/storefront-client
1.3.2 (2023-05-25)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-211: misc. fixes - list param ids can be strings or numbers, make customer_id optional on create address, add error types to charge, fix cursor type
1.3.1 (2023-05-23)
Bug Fixes
- JFS-224: Fixes for misc issues (
dep, hydrogen docs, cloudflare workers)